Logo Design Contest/校标征集

夏洛特中文学校(Charlotte Chinese Academy)即将在2017年迎来建校20周年庆。谨此向公众开展校标(Logo)征集活动。具体规则如下。如有任何问题请联系[email protected].
1. 校标竞赛面向公众
2. 参选作品不限格式,手工绘制和电脑制作皆可
3. 校标设计在风格、理念、及创意方面应符合以下要求

  • 含有中华文化元素
  • 色彩不超过4种颜色
  • 内容简洁明了
  • 不能包括具有版权的图案及文字

4. 提交的作品除校标以外,还应附有简短创意说明
5. 所有参选作品及说明应在2017年1月15日前提交吕户城老师 (电话:704-618-8181, Email:[email protected] )
6. 所有提交的作品所有权及版权归夏洛特中文学校所有
7. 吕户城老师连同校委会对参赛作品做出评选,在2017年1月20日前评审出一、二、三等奖并给予获奖者物质奖励
8. 评奖结果及获奖作品会在学校网站上公布,一等奖作品将作为夏洛特中文学校的正式校标
9. 夏洛特中文学校保留一切参赛以及评选过程的解释权

As part of the activities to celebrate 20-year history of Charlotte Chinese Academy (CCA), we would like to invite the general public to participate in our School Logo Design Contest. Please refer to the following rules and direct your questions/suggestions to [email protected]
1. This contest is for the general public
2. Either hand-painted or computer-generated logos are acceptable
3. The design should meet the following requirements:

  • Promoting Chinese Culture
  • No more than 4 colors
  • Be simple, dynamic and contemporary
  • Cannot contain copyrighted materials

4. In addition to the designed logo, please submit a concise paragraph explaining the idea of your design
5. All submission need to be received by Mr. Austin Lv by 1/15/2017. Phone: 704-618-8181, Email: [email protected]
6. You agree that all ownership rights, including intellectual property rights and copy rights to the logo are assigned to Charlotte Chinese Academy upon your submission.
7. Mr. Austin L and the school administrative committee will review and evaluate all designs by 1/20/2017. Top 3 winners will be given prizes.
8. Contest results will be published on the CCA website, and the selected No. 1 design winner will be used as the CCA logo
9. CCA reserves all the rights related to this contest