Admission Process录取流程

General Admission Process录取流程:

  1. Go to CCA registration website. 到CCA注册网页
  2. Login into CCA registration system. Create an account if you do not have one. If you do not remember your account (email used to login CCA), please send email to [email protected] to retrieve your account, please DO NOT create a new one. Duplicated student information will cause a delay in  admissions /wrong allocation of class based on proficiency levels.登录到CCA注册系统。如果您还没有CCA账户,请创建一个新账户。如果您忘记您的账户名,请电邮到[email protected] 查询账户名。请勿创建新账户。重复的学生信息将会严重影响学生的录取和分班。
  3. Complete the registration online and pay the donation and fees. 在线完成注册表并支付捐款和费用。
  4. Registration timeline and fee schedule can be found on the announcement page. 学年注册截至日期及收费可以在公告页面找到。

For new student (who was not registered in CCA Language class in the previous school year), please follow guideline below to complete your registration. 新生注册(新生是指上一学年未在CCA注册上语言课程的学生),请按照下面新生注册指南完成注册。

Charlotte Chinese Academy (CCA) New Student Admission Guideline新生注册指南

  1. New students are defined as those who were not in any of the CCA Chinese language classes in the previous school year.  新生是指上一学年未在CCA中文学校注册语言课的学生。
  2. All new students must be at least 5 years old (born before 09/01/2019 for 2024~2025 school year). We reserve rights to check documents to verify student’s age!  注册2024-2025学年的新生必须是09/01/2019之前出生(不包括09/01/2019)。中文学校会根据需要检查证件来验证年龄。
  3. Registration timeline and fee schedule can be found here. 学年注册截至日期及收费在此处。
  4. All NEW STUDENTS are required to fill the new student application form. Please indicate the class level in the new application form,refer to CCA 2018 Syllabus for CCA language class level。所有新生必需填写新生申请表。请在新生申请表中注明中文水平,请参照CCA教学大纲
  5. No placement exam for CSL01 and CHL01 students. For all other classes, the Placement Exam will be communicated through email 4 weeks before the semester started. As this is the only time for Placement Exam each semester, please arrange your schedule accordingly.  进入CSL01和CHL01的学生无需入学考试。若要进入别的班级学生,需参加入学考试。入学考试的时间和地点将会邮件通知。请注意考试查收邮件。
  6. The registration process is not completed unless the new student application form is fully filled and submitted. 除非完全填写并提交新学生申请表,否则注册过程不会完成。
  7. All class will be assigned on a first come first serve bases.分班将按照注册申请(完成注册表和申请表的填写并提交)顺序来安排。
  8. CCA reserves the right to interpret, modify and amend this guideline at any time without prior notice. 夏洛特中文学校保留对该注册指南的解释、修改并修正的权力。