Donation FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Why I give?

Our school relies on and is thankful for the support of many individuals who care about educating and sharing our culture among the next generations as well as among the local communities, to cover all our expenses, such as renting classrooms and facilities, paying for the traffic fees for our teachers, purchasing school supplies, and so on.
我校是一个非营利组织。 学校所有的开支都来源于捐款: 租用教室和相应设施,老师们的车马费,教学用品,等等。

How to apply for donation match?

We provide instructions here.
我们提供了详细的简便步骤, 在此处

Both of the employers of my spouse and I support gift matching, may we apply both parties for the same donation?
donation match request to my employer?
  我和配偶所在的公司们都有捐款匹配的福祉, 我们是不是能在两边同时申请?

Yes, you may asking donation match to both your employers for the same donation that you did. That is called a double match, and will help us greatly.

Do I need to wait till my donation check being cashed out to be able to do the donation match request to my employer?

No. You don’t need to wait till your check being cashed out.

Is there any deadline for us to do the donation match request to my employer?

Yes. Most companies require you do it by the end of the donation year.